Welcome to the Leadership Module!
Watch the video below to get started.
Being a STEM leader means having something important to say.
What do you think makes a good leader? Can you write down 10 characteristics of a good leader?
These are some common actions that good leaders do:
You believe that you can make a change
You never give up
You build relationships based on trust
You see things from others’ point of view
You share your passions, knowledge and expertise
You work in teams through collaboration
You develop a strategy or plan to address the problem
You are a role model to others
In this activity, you will think about your strengths as a leader. What do your friends think about you as a leader?
Activity: Leadership Pizza
This activity gets you to think about your characteristics as a leader by creating a Leadership Pizza. Pizzas are made up of lots of different ingredients. In the same way, leaders have lots of different characteristics that determine their leadership style.
Watch the video below to find out how to make your Leadership Pizza.
After you’ve completed your Leadership Pizza, watch the next video to determine your leadership style.
Look at the different leadership styles and reflect on the following questions:
Which leadership style (or combination) sounds like your Leadership Pizza?
Give your Leadership Pizza a name.
Can you create a menu for your team’s Leadership Pizzas?
After you have finished your reflection, move on to the follow-up activity.
Follow-Up Activity
Leaders influence others by what they say and do, but also by listening to others, showing empathy and including their peers. Being a leader means being confident in how you share your message, but also being a good listener. Try being a ‘listening expert.’
Try this:
In groups, have one person who is the sharer and have everybody else take the role of listener.
Sharer: Think of something you know really well – you are an expert in something!
In 2 minutes, tell 2 other people what you know about this topic. What did it feel like to be an expert and to tell others what you know and for them to listen to you?
Listeners: Share back to the expert what you heard. What did it feel like to hear about someone else’s passion and reflect it back at them?
When working on your GALS Project, as a team, think about:
How you can use each person’s leadership strengths when solving your GALS problem and communicating with others.
How can you grow as leaders together?
You’ve now reached the end of the Leadership Module - congratulations! Your teacher will give you your final instructions.